Steve Ormosi

Film & TV: Green Book

We sat down to discuss Green Book and the conversation got a little bit heated. Join us for our take on this feel good, buddy road trip movie. [Aggregate score: 8.6]


Fallout 76 Round Table (Crossover Episode!)

On this bonus episode Matt and Jesse of the American Slacker Podcast sit down with Steve and Scott of The Lost Signals and discuss the soon to release Bethesda production, Fallout 76. The guys dive into the Fallout timeline, what to expect and much more!

Check out more stuff from the Slackers at the book facetweedzler, or by searching American Slacker Podcast wherever dem ‘casts are found. Enjoy!

Literature: The Signal-Man by Charles Dickens

Less Dickensian and more Poe-esque, The Signal-Man is a story of ghastly foreshadowing and we’re just the Signals to review it. [Aggregate Score: 7.33]

Literature: Spider the Artist by Nnedi Okorafor

We’re reviewing the delightful near future short story about a woman, a guitar, and a spider…type…thing. You know what, just read the story and tune into our newest episode below. [Aggregate Score: 10]


AFI Top 100 #078: Modern Times

TLS bumbles through Modern Times with Charlie Chaplin in his final film as his lovable, but unlucky character, the Tramp. Check out our review and why we think this movie still rings true today. [Aggregate Score: 9]

Philosophy and Narrative: Freud & Frye

With a revamped outlook TLS covers two essays in one go: the first by our frenemy Sigmund Freud on the nature of creative writing; the second by Northrop Frye on how to properly codify the criticism thereof.

Film & TV: Ready Player One

Ever wonder what it would be like if a huge nerd who grew up in the 80s and 90s invented an entirely immersive virtual world? Well, wonder no more, venture with us down the rabbit hole of intense nostalgia as we review the newest Spielberg flick, Ready Player One. [Aggregate Score: 5.33]

Games & Gaming Culture: Top Games of 2017

TLS returns with the show formerly known as Syntax Error, now Games & Gaming Culture, for a fresh new season. What didn’t change was the fact that we always start with our top (and bottom, and all areas in between) games of the year. Check out our picks and thoughts on 2017’s releases.


Film & TV: I’m Dreaming of a White Doomsday

This week The Lost Signals decks the halls with whatever we can find in the bunker as we discuss the film that won awards for best Special Effects and Best Picture at NJ Horror Con and Film Festival 2018, “I’m Dreaming of a White Doomsday.” Gas masks not included.