Scott Thurlow

Games & Gaming Culture: The “C” Word (Collectibles)

We delve into a thorny topic: That of the inclusion of collectibes in video games, discussing what to do, and what defintiely not to do with them.


The Great Philadelphia Comic Con 2018: Weekend Wrap-Up

We wrap up and give our final impressions of our time covering the The Great Philadelphia Comic Con this year.

Check out more from The Great Philadelphia Comic Con

Film & TV: Avengers: Infinity War

The infinity war is finally upon us and TLS discusses the ins, outs, ups, and downs of the MCU’s climactic showdown.
[Major Spoilers]

[Aggregate score: 10]

Games & Gaming Culture: GTFO: Get the F&#% Out (2015 documentary)

We discuss one of the more unpleasant sides of Games & Gaming Culture, filtered through the experiences, treatment of, and testimonies from women in the video game community via the 2015 documentary, GTFO: Get the F&#% Out.

Guest Starring Beth Morgan.


Film & TV: Super Troopers 2

The TLS crew returns to the hijinks of Broken Lizard in their sequel to cop-prank-filled cult classic with Super Troopers 2. Now with more Mounties. [Aggregate score: 9.25]

Far Cry 5: Big Bombast, Scant Soul

[Contains spoilers]


Far Cry 5 was born in controversy long before it was released. The original promo art caused a bit of a stir and was accused of both provoking and encouraging some kind of vague alt-right sentiment and/or being an indictment on the state of American society. This backlash against it died down pretty quickly in the aftermath (as such things often do) and was mostly forgotten by the time it actually did release, a few weeks back. Having recently completed the campaign of FC5, the first thought that comes to mind is–if only it was indeed intending to tackle and sustain such a thorny and timely topic on any but the broadest of lines. Now that I’ve experienced it firsthand, I have a number of items to discuss, so let’s pile into the pickup and get to it.
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Bonus Points: Far Cry 5 Shenanigans

A compilation of some general screwing around and some decent skills in FC5 as a somewhat easter egg to the Dialogue Tree blog about it.

Film & TV: Three Amigos

TLS very own three amigos gather to discuss the 80s comedy…Three Amigos, and their own personal El Guapos. [Aggregate Score: 7]

Games & Gaming Culture: Ara Shirinian on the “grammar of games”

Games & Gaming Culture brings back one of our favorite guests, game designer Ara Shirinian, to explore the idea of the “grammar of games” with us. Which of course we end up applying to life at large.

Film & TV: Streaming Services Movies Vs. Major Picture Releases

TLS joins the fray in the debate over the degree of legitimacy for streaming services movies versus the more “traditional” major picture theatre films, kicked off by some recent comments made by Steven Spielberg and Christopher Nolan on the matter.