Harrison Ford

AFI Top 100 #066: Raiders of the Lost Ark

TLS plunders the depths of the AFI list to decide if everyone’s favorite worst-archeologist-ever hero is deserving of a place on it.
[Aggregate score: 7]

AFI Top 100 #013: Star Wars

After having processed the origin of hero myths through Joseph Campbell’s Hero With a Thousand Faces, TLS turn that lens onto one of the most influential modern hero arcs—the original 1977 Star Wars. [Aggregate score: 9.5]

AFI Top 100 #097: Blade Runner

MOTS does one of the seminal Sci-Fi films of the 80s. Replicants, and Blade Runners, and Jesus motifs, oh my! Welcome to the scuzzy future, my friends, where even robots can be lonely. [Aggregate score: 8.1]

Guest Starring:
Beth Morgan & Leah Behar